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Pastor Tommy Coker

God Will Do the Rest

Reading : II Corinthians 12 : 7 - 10

I'm excited to finally begin our daily devotionals. I hope it will be a blessing to everyone who comes here !

Ever feel weak and inadequate ? In the world we live in , weakness is viewed from a negative perspective. After all, who wants to be a weak person. But , in God's eyes , weakness is seen much differently. Paul was a man who understood this fully. It seems

that Paul had some kind of physical infirmity that "buffeted" him at all times. Something

that just seemed to keep him from doing and being what he thought he should be for

God. He prayed three times that God would remove it. After all, if he didn't have to deal

with this "thorn in the flesh " , he could being a greater servant for the Lord . Did God answer Paul's prayer ? Well, not in the way Paul wanted . The Lord said to Paul , "I'm not

going to remove it but , my grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness ."

Do you feel like there is something in your life that , if it just wasn't there ....if God would just change it , you could serve Him better ? You've prayed about it but , nothing ever

changes ! Maybe God is saying , "my grace is sufficient ." You see, God wants us to depend completely on Him , and sometimes that means , allowing things in our lives to keep us from becoming "self-sufficient ". When Paul realized this , he concluded ..

"Therefore I take pleasures in infirmities , in reproaches , in necessities, in persecu- tions, in distresses for Christ's sake : for when I am weak , then am I strong ." Our strength is made perfect in weakness ! If we'll just do what we can , God will do the rest.

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