Scripture : Isaiah 41:10

Wednesday, July 17 2019
Have you ever had to help free a pet or , an animal who had gotten entangled in wire
or , a chain or some other object ? Most always , they will frantically kick and try to bite you ! With fear in their eyes , they resist because they don't understand that you are trying to help them. Even though you tell them , "I'm not going to hurt you "...they still
react in fear.
Sometimes , we humans feel entangled in life's many snares . We find ourselves overcome with anxiety and fear . Even worse , we react in fear of the Lord and resist His help . In Isaiah 41:10 , the prophet states …"Fear thou not ; for I am with thee : be not dismayed; for I am thy God : I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee ……" God offers to rescue and help us in times when we are facing life's entanglements . He doesn't want us to be afraid to turn things over to Him , in fear that He might harm us . Our God is good , and He is always near to help . We can trust Him with any situation we might be facing . Ask the Lord today to give you the faith to trust Him for deliverance from whatever it is that you feel overcome with !