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  • Pastor Tommy Coker

He's Already Been There

Scripture : Hebrews 4:14 - 16

Wednesday , July 10 2019

Temptation is something all of us have to deal with . The enemy is always at work seeking to draw us away God , and into some area of sin. But, have you ever felt like you were being tempted in some way no one else has ? Have you ever felt that no one else could understand what you are going through ? Well, it might surprise you to know that , there are no "new " areas of temptation. I can assure you , whatever you may be struggling with , someone else has struggled with the same temptation. In fact , Jesus has already been there . The writer of Hebrews tells us , "For we have not an high priest

which cannot be touched with feeling of our infirmities ; but was in all points tempted like as we are , yet without sin. " This verse tells us , Jesus was tempted "in all points like as we are " …..He's faced the same temptations we've faced . That means he can sympathize with our struggles because , He's already been there ! The only difference is,

Jesus is "yet without sin." He overcame the temptations of the enemy and , has never sinned . The good news is , because He is the sinless Saviour who lives in the believer, He can empower us to overcome temptation. When facing the pressure of temptation ,

run to Jesus and rely on His power .

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